(SF novel) East of Nakba (64)


(Japanese Version)


Part I. Israel bombs a nuclear plant in Iran (61)


Chapter 23 US Military embarks on (1) Al Udeid Air Base (2/3)


But today, the United States put more emphasis on Ira than sea lanes in the Persian Gulf. During the Shah regime before 1978, the United States sold large quantities of modern weapons to Iran. Iran acted as a "police in the Persian Gulf" and entrusting security to the region on behalf of the United States. In 1978 the Islamic Revolution was taken place by Ayatollah Khomeini. Since then, Iran has been a mortal enemy for the United States.


Immediately after the revolution, the US embassy in Tehran was occupied by the Khomeini-backed Revolutionary Guard for over a year. This has hurt the prestige of the United States. The U.S. President Jimmy Carter attempted a rescue operation. But the operation had been failed with the poor result as a rescue helicopter crash landing. The U.S. government disgraced itself. This left a deep trauma in the minds of the American people.


(To be continued ----)



Areha Kazuya

(From an ordinary citizen in the cloud)



(SF novel) East of Nakba (66)

(رواية خيال علمي) شرق النكبة (66)

(SF novel) East of Nakba (64)