(SF novel) East of Nakba (69)

 (Japanese Version)

Part I. Israel bombs a nuclear plant in Iran (66)


Chapter 25 US Military embarks on (3) Diplomacy between US and Saudi Arabia (2/3)

Saudi Arabian defense minister replied to the U.S. Secretary of Defense after two days that he would accept the three bombers to pass over. But he didn't mention anything about the flight for refueling.  Secretary of Defense tried to ask back the reason for a moment. But he said nothing. It was quite enough that Israel would bomb Natanz nuclear facilities. Once the facilities had been bombed successfully, Israel, Saudi Arabia and even the United States itself would get big fruits. The Secretary of Defense stopped the dialogue. He considered that aerial refueling was not a major issue compared with the bombing.


However, the Secretary of Defense did not miss that Defense Minister’s way of the talking over the telephone. It sounded a little bit strange. He suspected that Saudi Arabia might carry out an operation advised by the Chief of Staff. His presentiment proved right later. Further misery was taken place.


(To be continued ----)


Areha Kazuya

(From an ordinary citizen in the cloud)

(Japanese Version)



(SF novel) East of Nakba (66)

(رواية خيال علمي) شرق النكبة (66)

(SF novel) East of Nakba (70)